Sunday, July 15, 2007

I like to ride my bicycle.

About a week before we moved, our bike we bought the summer before was stolen! It was a total bummer because I was so excited to use my bike here in California. So, we started searching around on craigslist to replace it and found this baby. It was funny because we were looking for a bike for sale that was close enough to ride home (because we don't have a rack on our car to transport it) and we found this one someone was selling in our complex. It was a fair purchase and it came with all sorts of fun accessories including a basket, helmet, and lights.

One of the main reasons I bought this bike was in hopes that I could ride it to work. Now, you might be thinking, isn't that a little too far to ride a bike? For those of you who read my blog often, you'll remember that I got a new job last week that was about a 15-20 minute drive away and I'm not that ambitious to ride a bike like 5 miles to work and back everyday. Well, I already quit that job! It didn't pan out to be what I had hoped for. I quit after the first day but they asked me to stay until the end of the week. It just ended up being a bad environment and somewhere I didn't feel very comfortable. The manager took it really well when I told her.

So, now I am hoping more seriously for an on-campus job. I have a 2nd interview for an Administrative Assistant position in the Department of Philosophy at UCI. Now that job would really be a bike-ride away. I keep hearing that on-campus jobs are really difficult to get (this was my first interview after applying to more than 15 positions) but a 2nd interview seems promising! Keep your fingers crossed!


Adam said...

Good luck with your interview! Be prepared to tell them your favorite philosopher and why. That's a requirement for all Department of Philosophy administrative assistants. Just kidding.

There are actually some pretty big name philosophers at UC Irvine. I've read a bunch of Jolley's stuff on Locke. Also, Nelson Pike is huge in the philosophy of religion, particularly the problem of evil. You could have some cool conversations with those dudes.


Sorry about your job thing, I know how that goes. Love the new bike though, very cool, I want a bike so bad.

James said...

Let me know if you need a letter of rec. I want more details about the job.

James said...

Obviously, I did read very carefully. I thought Miles was up for the admin asst job; don't ask my why; dosen't make much sense. Glad you got the job.

JeNeal was talking to me about your blog and I realized my mistake. JeNeal was looking for pictures of California; she's very homesick. What does your apartment look like?