Monday, January 21, 2008

We've moved!

our new address is:

We'd love some visitors!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Quick update:

We had our 20 week appointment yesterday, so here's a quick update on how our baby boy's doin'. Just to start, everything looks awesome—a perfectly normal pregnancy. My uterus is exactly where it's supposed to be, the total weight I've gained so far is right on, the results of my alpha fetoprotien (AFP) test were normal, my placenta is not covering my cervix, our due date is still right on, the baby is growing at the right rate, and no abnormalities were detected in my ultrasound. Also, about the little cyst I reported earlier, they think it just disappeared! All wonderful news!

Funny how my life is already completely wrapped up in our little guy! I hope I don't bore you all to tears posting about it so much!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

2 halves=A whole

Today marks the half-way point of the pregnancy, I'm 20 weeks today! Boy, it takes a long time to make a baby! But we're excited to be on the down-hill side.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I've been driving Miles CRAZY with my new nesting tendencies! I never knew how powerful these urges could be! Not only do I have the desire to make our apartment more homey, I now have the ENERGY! We've been in our new apartment in California for 6 months now, and I feel like we are just now getting moved in. I spend my evenings now thinking about what creative ways I can decorate. For Christmas, all I asked for was home decor, and got some really cool stuff from both my family and Miles' family. This last week, I've had a blast incorporating all my new gifts. I'm sure we've annoyed our neighbors plenty hammering away. My new thing now is making drapes for all the windows in the apartment, starting with the huge sliding glass doors in the family room. Yay for a new hobby! I've been sewing up a storm. I took lessons for a few years when I was younger, but never owned my own machine. I somewhat impulsively bought an inexpensive one a couple months ago (must have been one of those pregnancy cravings). I've had so much fun. I never realized how easy it would be to pick up again. So far, I've made Feets a quilt, Miles' PJs for Christmas, and am now working on the curtains. Miles has been such a good sport, and even accompanies me to the fabric store when I want to go! I'm pretty sure I'm going to be an absolute maniac my last trimester, trying to get everything ready for the baby!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

So what's your guess?

Yep, that's right, it's a boy! We had our ultrasound this evening at 6:15pm. My favorite part about the whole experience was watching Miles' face light up when the nurse gave us the good news! Miles and I are just delighted! It was so fun to watch the baby squirm around, and I can feel him now! I felt Feets for the first time last Sunday while visiting family for Christmas. This has been such an exciting time!