Thursday, August 23, 2007


What is it about routine that makes life so much more comfortable? Our life is finally settling down. Irvine is starting to feel like home. The last couple weeks have been really good just because I've found my pace. Call me boring but I love the fact that I know everyday I will wake up at the same time, go to work, meet Miles for lunch, walk home, go to the gym, shower, make dinner and enjoy the rest evening with my husband. Ah, it's just peaceful you know? It doesn't give me much to blog about, but I feel very content.

Our life isn't without it's thrills though. Miles and I were just given a new calling in our ward--we're now Nursery Leaders in one of the FOUR nurseries. This calling is going to be a real stretch for both of us. Neither one of us has served in this capacity before, we're a bit nervous. Our last married ward didn't even have a Nursery. But I know we'll learn so much by interacting with these children together, and hopefully learn to be less judgmental and better parents. Last week was our first week with the little ones, and we had a blast! You can't beat eating goldfish and blowing bubbles during church! In the lesson we learned all about the importance of the home. We discovered that birds live in trees, turtles live in the water, and giraffes live on land. It's amazing how much you can learn from such a simple lesson. Being comfortable in my own home is more essential to me now more than ever. Our apartment is nothing fancy, but it is our sanctuary. The picture included in this post is one of my favorites entitled "Walking with God" by Morgan Weistling. A print of it hangs in our home. It shows Joseph teaching his young son, our Savior, to walk. I love how it illustrates the importance of rearing children.


... said...

Michelle- It is totally fine, I would love to be blog friends! So My husband and I have that exact same calling, it is a struggle but at the same time it is so rewarding! I love it. . .Sometimes I feel like we are learning more than the kids and I am okay with that! Good Luck with it!

Laura Edwards said...

I think the calling will be wonderful! What fun! I am glad that you are getting into your "routine", I am excited for when mine starts to settle. I just started school (part-time), so give it a week or too and I'll be right there with you- Feeling the sense of HOME.

Paige said...

Yes we DID have a nursery!! It still counts even if the entire primary was one kid! ;) That's awesome, though, Michelle! I want to be in your nursery class.
Whitney and I are living with Isaac and Kristin for two weeks until we can move into our new apartment and I totally know what you mean about 'home' and I can't wait to get settled into our new place- however small and dumpy it may be!!
'Hi' to the Chestnuts- you guys have fun!