Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mom's Funny Dream

My Mom sent me this email about a dream she had the other night. I found it HILARIOUS. Just thought I'd share. And if anyone else has a funny dream to tell, I'd love to hear it!

Here's a cast of the characters:

Mom (narrator), Mikelle (little fish w/freckles), Kiarah (little fish), and Andrea

After I sent my last e-mail, I remembered this one dream I had a couple nights ago that was so bizarre and funny. I just gotta tell ya about it.

Well, we were swimming around in a pool (I don't know who "we" is except that I know Andrea was there and some other people around.) For some reason, Kiarah & Mikelle were little fish swimming around, tiny little fish. There was a whale swimming around. We were concerned about the whale getting Kiarah & Mikelle but not too worried. Mikelle swam too close to the whale while the whale had its mouth open and went right in. The whale swallowed Mikelle! I panicked. Andrea was worried but not as worried as I. I told Andrea that we needed to use force on the whale. So Andrea swam to the bottom of the pool and punched the whale. The whale surfaced. I swam over to the whale to try to get Mikelle. The whale's face turned into a pretty woman's face. I tried to talk the whale into giving her up, but it wouldn't. We were very worried that Mikelle was just gone forever. But then we noticed little fish Mikelle on the side of the pool on the cement. I went over to her. She wasn't breathing, so I did a little CPR with my finger. She started coming to life and began turning back into a human being. As she was developing, I looked at her face and noticed she didn't have freckles. Then as she continued developing, I looked again, noticed that she now did have freckles and knew that now Mikelle was completely back to normal because now she had her freckles.

Oh, my gosh, what a dream!

Love, Mom

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