Friday, January 18, 2008

Quick update:

We had our 20 week appointment yesterday, so here's a quick update on how our baby boy's doin'. Just to start, everything looks awesome—a perfectly normal pregnancy. My uterus is exactly where it's supposed to be, the total weight I've gained so far is right on, the results of my alpha fetoprotien (AFP) test were normal, my placenta is not covering my cervix, our due date is still right on, the baby is growing at the right rate, and no abnormalities were detected in my ultrasound. Also, about the little cyst I reported earlier, they think it just disappeared! All wonderful news!

Funny how my life is already completely wrapped up in our little guy! I hope I don't bore you all to tears posting about it so much!


Shelly Beth said...

Um, yeah, have you seen the posts on my blog!? EVERYTHING will be about your little guy now. LOL. Seriously, I don't know what I would blog about if I didn't have Isabelle. This is all so exciting for you! I really wish I could be there to share it with you, honestly, because you were here through it all with me (up until the end). Anyways, I just sent you a MASSIVE email about a bunch of stuff, so I will shut up now. SO GLAD to hear that everything is looking great for you and the baby. I am sure I had gained too much weight by this point....

Adam said...

What a relief to hear that everything looks good. Congrats! Keep making a warm little home in there for feets until he decides he's had enough!

Dan said...

Michelle and Miles, we are so excited for you guys! Congratulations on the new addition to your family....even if he won't be here for a few more months!

My Garden of Eden said...

That is so great! I love hearing about it all. Keep the news coming!

The Mursets said...


Hi and congrats! You look so cute! We have a blog too-

Monica (Spendlove) Murset

Boone said...

Congrats guys. So have you thought of any names you like yet.

Camille said...

It was so good seeing you this last weekend. Good luck these last few weeks being prego.