Thursday, December 6, 2007

Entire Tree: At the Request of My Fans

Here are a couple pics of the entire tree, almost complete. Sadly, right when we were completely done with the tree, the lens of our new camera started giving us problems. We sent the lens off to Canon for repair this morning. So, this was the best I could do!


Shelly Beth said...

Very nice! It looks beautiful, like it could be on display somewhere. I guess have a nice tree while you can and little hands aren't pulling things off! Where are you going for Christmas? Your fams, Michelle? I am sure they are excited.

My Garden of Eden said...

Your tree is BEAUTIFUL! I have not decorated mine yet, but I know it could never look like yours. Good job you guys!

Laura Edwards said...

So Classy! I LOVE it! You two are so talented and crafty!

Adam said...

The tree looks great! I can't believe the camera is already giving you problems. That fun was short lived. Doesn't it take like 6 weeks to get it back?

michellep said...

Luckily it's just the lens that's giving us problems, not the camera itself. And, we're supposed to get it back around the 21st, just in time for Christmas!

Camille said...

Way pretty tree Michelle!!

Deon should be home in April!! It will be fun to see her again. I am going to call her mom for her address so I can send a Christmas you want it, too? And what it yours?

Laura Edwards said...

New post! New post! New post! (come on- it's been 6 days)

Adam said...

I want to see a picture of your belly. Are you showing yet? If not, I'll see you in a few weeks. Yay! :)

Laura Edwards said...

Ya- I want a pic of the belly too!