Friday, June 1, 2007

Deana's Card

I've now worked at the Missionary Training Center in Provo for 4 years! Two years ago, Deana, a new sister missionary, was assigned to work as a secretary in my office. Her story is truly heartbreaking. Her tale includes living through breast cancer, struggling through chemotherapy, while at the same time divorcing her husband who left her for a younger woman. Through all this, Deana has been a shining example of endurance and strength. Over the past couple years, Deana and I have become really close. Today was her farewell party. To tell her thank you, the people in my office and I made her a card. The design was inspired by the Brady Bunch. I took pictures of everyone in the office looking toward the center of the card at Deana's picture. All the employees in my office signed the inside of the giant card. She loved it to say the least!

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