Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I think I started showing this week.

You may have guessed, this is NOT my belly, but I've been busy and just haven't had a chance to photograph my own. But don't you think the picture is cool? There's a debate on the internet whether or not it's real, or if it was photoshopped. I'm guessing it's fake, but I still like the picture! I would say that I do have a belly now, but I don't think it's very cute yet! It's crazy how much my little tummy is already affecting my life! I'm still not quite big enough to fit into any maternity clothes, which is actually pretty frustrating. I'm also debating whether I should post a picture with skin showing (I'm not really accustomed to showing off my stomach region) or not. What do ya think? Anyone have a preference?

Anywho, I hope everyone enjoys this last week before Christmas. I'm sure it's busy for us all!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Entire Tree: At the Request of My Fans

Here are a couple pics of the entire tree, almost complete. Sadly, right when we were completely done with the tree, the lens of our new camera started giving us problems. We sent the lens off to Canon for repair this morning. So, this was the best I could do!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Oh, Christmas Tree

I've really been feeling the Christmas spirit this holiday season. You know how some years, you're really in the mood, and others you're just not feeling it? Well, I guess this is a On year for me. I keep telling Miles, "I want to do everything Christmas." We put up our Christmas tree last weekend, and it turned out to be quite an adventure.

We decided to buy an artificial tree from Target this year—the $40 one, which was an upgrade from the $20 tree last year. We got it home, and while setting it up, the plastic stand broke, after the lights were on. First we tried to fix the stand with packing tape, which, of course did not hold. Then, I laid on the floor and held the tree up while Miles ran to the store. He brought back Krazy glue, duct tape, and of course a box of powdered donuts. Neither the glue nor the tape held! (we didn't try using the donuts). We thought duct tape could fix anything! Apparently not Christmas tree stands. We gave up that night and started again the next day. We returned the tree to Target and took a trip to Lowe's where we upgraded again to a $60 tree—this one pre-lit with a metal stand! We also stopped by Micheals and picked up some crafty things to deck out the tree. Afterward, we went home and tried again. This time we were successful, with a couple minor, and very normal, lighting set-backs. In the end, we had a great time, and we love our tree this year! Hopefully with the upgrades, we'll be able to use the same artificial tree for the next 20 years!