Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Presenting the Best Wedding Present
First of all, for all of you wondering about how we're doing with all the wildfires burning here in California—we are fine. Luckily, we don't have any fires burning really close to us, so all we are dealing with is the poor air quality. What's happening all around us is very tragic and are keeping those who are suffering in our thoughts and prayers.
Now, on a much lighter note, I'm going to a wedding this weekend. It's always hard to come up with good gifts so I decided to try and mimic the best gift Miles and I received for our wedding. My Aunt Holly gave us a gift basket full of cleaning supplies. I swear, that gift just keeps giving and giving. We still use some of the original supplies after 2 1/2 years (but I don't know if that's good, maybe we just don't clean enough). So, what were the best gifts you all received for your weddings?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Quiz F-U-N!
Which Harry Potter Character Are You?
Miles, you are Harry. You're a loyal and courageous friend. You'd do anything to protect the people you love, especially if it'll get you a break from class for a little while.
Michelle, you are Hagrid. You're an outcast with a heart of gold. Despite your own problems, you always find time to help those in need.
Find Your Character @
Thursday, October 18, 2007
TAG--I'm It

1. I was born in a tiny hospital in Richfield Utah, and you are likely to have no idea where that is. Also, I was the only child my mother had naturally.
2. I've never been to the Eastern United States, but am planning a trip with Miles at the end of March!
3. I was in student government from the time I was in 2nd grade until I graduated High School.
4. I did not receive my Young Woman Recognition Award, but WAS Valedictorian. I guess you could see where my priorities were during adolescence.
5. I've been engaged twice.
6. There was a point when I wanted to go to Culinary Arts School. That phase lasted about 2 weeks, but I still get phone calls and emails from a small, local institute here in California--kinda obnoxious actually!
7. My family built 2 homes completely on our own. The first house took 10 months, which seemed like an eternitiy. The second took more than twice as long, and we lived in a tiny trailer on the lot for the entire 2 years! Needless to say, we did grow closer as a family during that time--quite literally actually.
8. One of my very favorite things to do in the world is pop Miles' zits! He pretends to hate it, but he'll never admit that sometimes he ASKS me to "help him!" But don't tell him I told you!
I TAG Paige, Abbi, and Michelle Shade.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Happy, Happy Birthday, from all of you to Me!

Monday, October 8, 2007
Conference Favorites

My favorite talk was probably given by Elder M. Russel Ballard, who spoke about how to share the practical facts about the Church. Though it is important to share one's testimony (in word and deed), quite often it is appropriate to just introduce the Church by giving the facts.
I was also touched by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin's address. Midway through his address, Elder Wirthlin started shaking and breathing heavily to the point that it looked like he might not finish his talk. Elder Nelson walked up up behind Elder Wirthlin and gave him a steadying hand. Elder Wirthlin, barely able to stand, finished his message, and his remarks meant that much more. I was impressed with the love and concern Elder Nelson showed as he remained at Elder Wirthlin's side, stablizing him.
I'm curious--What did you enjoy about conference, and why?
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007
Leave a Note!
Friday night, Miles and I went to Red Robin in the Fashion Island mall for dinner. We had a good time. We ordered a full course complete with the new blackened bayou burger, a chicken strip basket for me, a strawberry lemonade, and even a large chocolate shake. Needless to say, we were overly satisfied when we left. We moseyed around the mall a bit, of course taking a peek in the Apple store (Miles' happiest place on earth), then returned to our car which was parked on the top level of the parking structure. And to our surprise, we saw this...
My first instinct was to look for a note perhaps left on the windshield, but there was nothing! Someone rammed into the back of our car and ran. There wasn't much that we could do, so we contacted mall security who gave us the information for the Newport Beach Police. We had an officer come out and take a report just in case we wanted to make an insurance claim. However, we don't know what we're going to do--the deductible costs just about the same as it will to get it fixed. And then we ask our selves if it's worth it--probably not. The injury is only cosmetic. So, we'll probably leave it alone, forget about it, and it will still be there in 10 yrs when we are still driving this baby around. All I have to say is, if this ever happens to you--listen to your conscience and leave a note!
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